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How to regulate the body by diet to make women radiant


In addition to the beauty, it requires external dressing and matching. Internal conditioning is equally important. Women must have good health, enough blood to have a good complexion. Women usually eat tonic soup to regulate their body. If we add the following 10 kinds of food, we believe that women must be more radiant. Let's look at it together.

1, red wine enhance color


Red wine contains more than 200 nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. Sugar, organic acids, amino acids, Vitamins, polyphenols, and inorganic salts are very beneficial to the human body. The wine also contains antioxidants that fight cancer, prevent aging, and prevent platelet aggregation into blood vessel obstructions. Cold hands and feet of women, can use red wine to promote blood circulation, so that the entire people's looks better. For women with mild anemia, red wine can boost blood circulation, improve beauty, and make skin elastic.

To drink red wine, it is best to choose to drink it about an hour before going to bed. Drinking red wine before bedtime can not only help beauty, but also help relieve stress and improve sleep quality. But be aware that one cup a day is enough.

2, tomato anti-aging

Nutritionist studies have shown that eating 50 grams to 100 grams of fresh tomatoes per person per day can satisfy the needs of the body for several vitamins and minerals. In addition, tomato is a natural food source of Vitamin C. Eating 1-2 tomatoes a day can increase blood vessel flexibility, stop gum bleeding, and enhance cancer resistance. It is very beneficial to patients with hypertension and heart disease. At the same time, tomato also contains a special ingredient - tomato, and tomato has a role in thirst-quenching, stomach and digestion, can prevent stomach heat bitter, fever, polydipsia, heat stroke embolism, is Qi Sheng Jin, health Spleen and stomach to share. Tomatoes are eaten raw to supplement vitamin C. When eaten after cooking, the content of lycopene and other antioxidants contained in the diet will rise significantly, which will reduce the risk of heart disease and anti-aging effects.

3, tea radiation protection

In China, tea culture has a history of thousands of years. Similarly in the United Kingdom, tea is known as "a healthy liquid, a drink of the soul." Studies have shown that tea polyphenols contained in tea have a strong antioxidant and physiological activity and are free radical scavenging agents that can block A variety of carcinogens such as nitrite amines are synthesized in the body. It also absorbs radioactive material to protect against radiation and protects the skin of women. Wash your face with tea, but also remove greasy facial, astringent, reduce skin aging. However, it should be noted that people who have poor sleep and have poor gastrointestinal function are used with caution.

4, ginger reduce pigmentation

Ginger is a kind of economic crop with great development and utilization value. Apart from containing physiologically active substances such as zingerone and gingerol, it also contains proteins, polysaccharides, vitamins, and various trace elements, which integrates nutrition, seasoning, and health care. Medicinal products that are considered by medicine experts to be homologous have a variety of health functions such as chilling, dampness, warm stomach, and acceleration of blood circulation. Ginger is rich in protein, vitamins, carotene, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Ginger contained in the ginger into the body, there is a strong antioxidant effect, can prevent or reduce the deposition of lipofuscin, prevent age spots. Ginger can also inhibit the activity of cancer cells. Drinking ginger tea can also treat minor colds, which is also a common method used by the British. However, it should be noted that ginger should not be consumed too much at one time.

5, vinegar enhance skin vitality

The vinegar's pH value (value of acidity and alkalinity of the solution) is 1.5-2.0, which is close to the pH value of the human stomach acid 1.3-1.8, and has the function of regulating the gastrointestinal tract. The sour taste of vinegar can accelerate the secretion of saliva and accelerate digestion. Acetic acid and citric acid penetrate food and have strong bactericidal capacity. A study on vinegars in Japan pointed out that vinegar contains higher amino acids, which helps inhibit aging and prevent various diseases in the elderly. Washing or bathing with vinegar can soften the skin and enhance skin vitality.

Not only that, the skin washed with vinegar can make the skin absorb some nutrients that are in great need, so as to soften the skin and enhance the vitality of the skin. If you have rough skin, you can mix and apply vinegar and glycerin in a ratio of 5:1 and apply it on a daily basis. Your face will become delicate and your wrinkles will decrease. In the wash water, add a tablespoon of vinegar, washed with water after washing, there are beauty effects.

6, soy conditioning estrogen

Soybeans not only refer to soybeans, it also includes black beans and green beans. Soybeans are comprehensive in nutrition and rich in content. Protein content is two times higher than that of pork and 2.5 times that of eggs. The content of protein is not only high but also of good quality. Moreover, soy is the main component of protein, especially vegetarian protein source. They contain the essential amino acids needed by the body and are good for the repair and regeneration of muscles, and for the growth of skin, hair and nails. The British study found that female hormones contained in soybeans play an important role in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Daily consumption of 1 cup of milk and 500 grams of fish, long-term adherence, can play a role in regulating estrogen balance. However, eating too much is not easy to digest and can even cause diarrhea.

7, brown rice weight loss is good

Modern nutrition studies have found that vitamin B and Vitamin E in the rice bran and germ parts of brown rice can improve the body's immune function, promote blood circulation, and help people eliminate frustration and irritability and make people full of vitality. In addition, trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and manganese in brown rice are beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and anaemia.

Moreover, eating brown rice is especially beneficial for people with diabetes and obesity. Because the carbohydrates are surrounded by crude fibrous tissue, the body's digestion and absorption rate is slow, so it can control blood sugar; at the same time, zinc, chromium, manganese, vanadium and other trace elements in brown rice are beneficial to increase insulin sensitivity. People with impaired glucose tolerance are helpful. Japanese research has shown that brown rice has a much lower glycemic index than white rice, and it has a better satiety when eating the same amount, which helps control food intake and helps obese people lose weight.

8, fungi regulate the immune system

High-protein, cholesterol-free, starch-free, low-fat, low-sugar, multi-dietary fiber... Edible fungus concentrates all the good features of food, and has the functions of enhancing immunity, resisting radiation, and resisting aging. The selenium contained in mushrooms is a woman's “beauty gift” that can promote skin metabolism and anti-aging and prevent wrinkles. Jessica Black, an American expert in the field of natural medicine, points out that mushrooms are powerful immune system stimulators and immune system regulators. In addition, the crude fiber, half-fibre, and lignin, which are difficult for the human body to contain, can retain intestinal water and absorb the remaining cholesterol and sugar, which can be excreted in the body to prevent constipation, colon cancer, and arteriosclerosis. Diabetes and others are very beneficial.

9, grape antioxidant

Grapes are rich in vitamins, minerals and flavonoids. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that fight aging and free radicals. In addition, the grape also contains an anti-cancer trace element (Resveratrol) that prevents the cancerous cells of healthy cells from spreading. Not only grape meat, grape skins and grape seeds are also very beneficial to women. Grape seed rich in anthocyanins, its antioxidant effect is more than 18 times higher than vitamin C, can be said to be the real antioxidant star. It is worth noting that a large part of the grape's nutrition comes from grape skins, and skin is best for women.

10, oats reduce fat

Water-soluble dietary fiber in oats was 4.7 and 7.7 times higher than wheat and corn, respectively. The B vitamins, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid in oats are relatively abundant, especially vitamin E, as high as 15 mg per 100 grams of oat flour. Oats are rich in soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, which can absorb a large amount of cholesterol in the body and excrete it, eliminating excess body fat. Oats contain extremely rich linoleic acid, which can delay aging and also have an adjuvant effect on fatty liver, diabetes, edema, and constipation.

Oatmeal cooked porridge is rich in magnesium and vitamin B1, also contains phosphorus, potassium, iron, pantothenic acid, copper and fiber, can reduce cholesterol, fatty liver, diabetes, constipation and other auxiliary effects. Uncooked oat bran is rich in magnesium, vitamin B1, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as iron, zinc, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and copper. Oatmeal can improve blood circulation and promote wound healing.

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N&R Bio Industries Inc. (Xi'an)